Monday, April 8, 2013

According to Ellen G. White?

  Adam was the "son of God". He was God's representative to those lower beings. Man was made to bear God's image, in both appearance and character. The Godhead made man noble and with no trace of evil. Satan, full of envy of the Godhead's relationship with Adam, determined in his heart that he would cause Adam and Eve to disobey, so they too could feel the results. Satan chose to take on the form of the serpent, one of the wisest and most beautiful of the creatures on the earth.The angels warned Eve to not separate herself from her husband while doing her daily work, because with him she would be in less danger of falling for temptation.This day however she completely forgot of the angels' warning words. Eve believed the words of Satan and disbelieved God's words, this is what led to her fall. Whatever contradicts what God said, we can be sure comes directly from Satan. Adam saw that his companion had sinned. However, he could not bear the thought of separation for she had become apart of him. he decided to share her fate and die with her. he saw Eve and there was no sign of death so he too began to question God's words. He ate the fruit.

  Satan had succeeded. He was able to tempt the woman "to distrust God's love, to doubt his wisdom, and to disobey His law. Through her he was also able to overthrow Adam. Adam couldn't deny or excuse his sin, so he began to blame Eve. After their sin, they were no longer allowed to live in the garden of Eden. They begged and admitted that they had disobeyed , but promised from then on to obey only God's word in an attempt to stay in Eden.However they were told that they had now lessened their strength to resist evil and Satan now had an easier access to them. They were now only allowed to gaze into what was once their home through the gate. 

   The Godhead here acts as a father. He gives instructions and when they are disobeyed he gives punishments. He hates to see his creation disobey him but he realizes that they must learn to obey so they must deal with the consequences. Although it hurts him he knows that this is the only way they will learn. This is the Godhead according to Ellen G. White.

According to Milton?

  Milton states that the Christian epic of "Paradise Lost" may be different but is more heroic than earlier epics. Chapter 9 begins with Satan deciding to approach Eve in the form of a serpent. As Adam and Eve prepared for their day's work, Eve decides its better for them to split up. Adam however doesn't agree and they begin to bicker. But soon Adam just allows her to go off knowing that she becomes more vulnerable when she is alone. 
  Satan become excited when he find Eve alone because he knows his job has just become easier. He only gains her attention when he begins to speak because Eve has never seen an animal speak. So she begins to question the serpent's ability to speak. He answers that the Tree of Knowledge of Good & Evil has given him this ability. Eve however knows that she is forbidden to eat of this tree, the Serpent then reassures her that he ate of the tree and didn't die. He claims God only told Adam and Eve this so that they would not become like gods themselves. Eve believes the serpent and eats the fruit. Not only does she bring herself down but she runs to offer Adam some of the fruit because she doesn't want him to find another wife. Adam quickly takes a bite because he cannot stand the thought of losing her. 

  The Godhead sits back in this one. The Godhead has given instructions and waits to see if His creations would obey or not. The Godhead watches as his people created in His image betray Him and obey the words of the enemy. He is forced to take actions and kicks Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden where their lives would never be the same.This is the Godhead according to Milton.

According to Genesis?

  As one reads through Genesis Chapters 1-4, you notice that the Godhead is spoken of several times. From the very first chapter, verse 26, we read "And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness...". This verse implies that that when God is spoken of there are more than one beings.It can be seen that God created man to look like him. Man was created in his likeness. God blessed man and gave him the whole of the Garden of Eden as his home. God gave man special instructions on how to live on the earth & how to take care of it.There was only one special instruction, "Do not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good & evil." From this we see that the Godhead is the constructor of the earth and everything that occupies it. 


  The Godhead looked down from above and orchestrated Earth. The Godhead is the one who created man, the stars, the trees, and everything in nature that we know of today. The Godhead is the creator and sustainer of Earth. The Godhead gave Adam and Eve special directions and prohibitions for Earth. And when these rules weren't followed, the Godhead was also the one who was forced to give consequences to his very own creations. Because of their disobedience, Adam and Eve brought suffering upon all their family to come. They were removed from the Garden of Eden and Adam now had to work for food. Eve was now subject to tremendous pain during the childbirth process.  This is the Godhead according to Genesis.